
Huntsville rodent trapping

Our pricing is fair, and costs significantly less than most Huntsville pest control companies over the long-term, because we solve your rat or mouse problem PERMANENTLY, usually within 1-2 weeks. Other companies don't solve your problem, but instead want to sign you up for quarterly poison service so that you pay forever.

Rodent control is specialty work, and every job is different. There's no one-price-fits all option. To get a free price quote over the phone for your mouse situation, call us at 256-333-4920 and describe your issue, and we can give you a phone estimate. Factors that can affect price include:

  • Size of rat or mouse infestation
  • Location of rodents (kitchen, or in attic?)
  • Number of trap setups we will need to use
  • Amount of rodent damage repairs needed
  • Size of house, extent of inspection needed
  • Potential dangerous roof or attic factors
  • Do you need mouse waste and odor cleanup?
  • Driving distance to your property

Rats are clever and annoying critters. The infestation of these critters is a serious issue that shouldn't be taken or handled lightly. Rats cannot be removed through DIY measures. The removal of rats is best left to professionals trained and licensed to handle the job. We are the professionals that you need to remove rats completely from your property. The removal of rats only brings long term results when it is thorough and delivered by experts. We begin with the thorough process of inspection where we determine the scope of the project. This is the process that guides the rest of the project. After we determine the scope of the project, we design the project plan. We then implement the plan. We only apply humane rat removal measures that have proven to be efficient. The humane processes we apply are trapping, exclusion, and habitat modification. Trapping can be live trapping or the use of lethal traps. Lethal traps like snap traps remove the critters with limited torture and a high level of efficiency. After removing the critters, we restore your property to its pre-infestation state. Our post rat removal services include cleanup and repairs. We remove rats and effect measures that ensure that the critters cannot return. We identify all entry points and possible entry points and seal them, making your property inaccessible to the critters. We are experts licensed by local and federal authorities to remove rats efficiently. Our process is efficient and reliable. We have served the area for years and are equipped to handle all scales of projects.